Twice already I walked through Brussels Rue Américaine, completely distracted by all the wonderful Art Nouveau buildings (like that of the Museum Horta!). But as they say: three time’s a charm, ‘cause when I walked through this street again, a colourful store window caught my eye. Felicity looked like such a colourful paradise. I just had to go in.
Binnen trof ik eigenaresse Marie aan achter de naaimachine, druk bezig met het ter plekke maken van de kleurrijke, comfortabele en vrouwelijke kledingstukken en accessoires die de kledingrekken vullen. Inspiratie genoeg, want ze is omringd door stapels schitterende rollen designer stoffen, band en kant. Luz is haar partner in crime en maakt vrolijke, originele hoeden.

Inside was the lovely owner Marie busy creating one of the wonderful pieces of clothing and accessories that fill the racks of the store. Every piece is hand made, colourful, comfortable and most of all: feminine. And no wonder she’s inspired: she’s surrounded by stashes and stashes of designer fabrics, tape and ribbon. Luz is her partner in crime: she makes one of a kind, colourful hats.
Maar de dames van Felicity kijken verder dan hun neus lang is. In de winkel is veel (kleurrijk!) werk te vinden van jonge en originele ontwerpers. Zo vind je er sieraden van Parijs by G, heel veel spulletjes van Pip Studio en de stoere armbanden en riemen van Noosa Amsterdam. Zelf aan de slag? Geen probleem. Koop gewoon leuke stof van Amy Butler of Micheal Miller, mooi biaisband en ga aan de slag!
Maar je bent gewaarschuwd: Felicity verlaten zonder iets te kopen is erg moeilijk.
(En ik kan het weten… ik vertrok met 2 meter stof van Amy Butler en 2 Pip Studio kaarten)

The ladies of Felicity look beyond their own designs and also sell (colourful!) products of young and hip designers. You can find bijoux by Parijs by G, loads of happy stuff from Pip Studio and the cool and bold bracelets and belts by Noosa Amsterdam. Is DIY more your thing? No problem: just buy some fabric by Amy Butler or Michael Miller and some pretty biais tape and off you go!
Just one warning: it’s almost impossible to leave Felicity without buying something.
(And I'm one to know… I left with 2 meters of Amy Butler fabric and 2 Pip Studio postcards)
Want to visit? Just do it!
Where: 40 Rue Américaine, 1060 Brussels
When: Wednesdays – Saturdays from 10:00 am till 6:30 pm.
Are you following my Brussels Marathon? Check out my little guide on vintage and thrift shops and the best places to get gorgious craft supplies in Brussels!
This was featured at The Creative paige
Vind nog meer tips voor een stedentrip Brussel
Are you following my Brussels Marathon? Check out my little guide on vintage and thrift shops and the best places to get gorgious craft supplies in Brussels!
This was featured at The Creative paige
Vind nog meer tips voor een stedentrip Brussel
Ziet er geweldig uit! En geweldig verleidelijk idd!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDie kende ik nog niet, dus zal daar eens moeten langsgaan. Bedankt voor de tip!
Ik werk al lang in Brussel, en via jouw blog ontdek ik pas wat voor een leuke winkels er zijn! Bedant!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLike the look of their clothes, shame they don't have an online store!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHet water loopt me in de mond. Geef je even een gil als je nog een keertje gaat?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSo awesome. I'd love to visit a place like this. The closest type of scene I've experienced is Toronto, lol. They have *lots* of bead shops there that I made a point to visit. Lots of fabric shops too. Now I want to go to Brussels!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh my gosh.. thats the most awesome studio I've ever seen.. wow!! I want to go to brussels too..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI wish I would have known about this place when I was in Europe and went to Brussels. It looks like something I would love! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on the Homemade Stockings!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwow wat een leuke winkel...........
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat looks like an amazing place. Not sure if I'll be in brussels any time soon, but it's possible, thank you for sharing the beauty!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWow! So she sits and sews or creates in the shop! Wouldn't that be the ideal job??! To be so inspired by everything around you, even the customers coming in your door?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat post! Thank you for linking @ this Week.
I had to comment when I saw your link - such a surprise to see that a store has the same name as i do! Thank you for the happy discovery!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI don't think I could have resisted that store either! Such wonderful finds! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share next!