You don't want cold feet in winter, or ever for that matter. In summer I just love walking bare feet all day long, but if I try that in winter my toes immediately start cramping up. Oh, how I detest that feeling. This crochet slippers are very easy to make, they should be ready to wear after two or three evenings. I picked StonewashedXL by Scheepjes for the yarn of this project. It's one of my favorite yarns at the moment and the combo of cotton and acrylic makes it perfect for slippers I think. If you're more into wool, you could also make these slippers with Lopi.
Online zijn zo veel patronen te vinden voor gehaakte sloffen, maar geen enkele vond ik echt leuk! Ik groef in mijn boekenkast en vond een basis haakboek met een leuk basispatroon voor sloffen. Dáár kon ik wel wat mee. Of dat dacht ik, althans. Wat het patroon bleek flink wat fouten te bevatten, zo balen! Bij tour 3 was de boel al helemaal scheef. Ik besloot dus wel om de vorm van deze slof aan te houden en in ieder geval de vorm voor de zool te gebruiken, maar de rest freestylde ik een beetje bij elkaar. Dus nee, niet helemaal van mij. Maar wél foutloos!
There are so many crochet slipper tutorials to be found online, but none of them really spoke to me. I dug around in my book collection and found a book with basic crochet patterns that had a basic crochet pattern for slippers in it. Yay, this would work! Or so I thought. Not! The pattern was filled with mistakes, boo! By the time I reached round 3 it was a big mess. So, I decided to just use the pattern for the sole and see if I could freestyle the same shape, but without mistakes. Just to be honest: this pattern is not entirely mine, but it sure doesn't have any mistakes in them.
Online zijn zo veel patronen te vinden voor gehaakte sloffen, maar geen enkele vond ik echt leuk! Ik groef in mijn boekenkast en vond een basis haakboek met een leuk basispatroon voor sloffen. Dáár kon ik wel wat mee. Of dat dacht ik, althans. Wat het patroon bleek flink wat fouten te bevatten, zo balen! Bij tour 3 was de boel al helemaal scheef. Ik besloot dus wel om de vorm van deze slof aan te houden en in ieder geval de vorm voor de zool te gebruiken, maar de rest freestylde ik een beetje bij elkaar. Dus nee, niet helemaal van mij. Maar wél foutloos!
There are so many crochet slipper tutorials to be found online, but none of them really spoke to me. I dug around in my book collection and found a book with basic crochet patterns that had a basic crochet pattern for slippers in it. Yay, this would work! Or so I thought. Not! The pattern was filled with mistakes, boo! By the time I reached round 3 it was a big mess. So, I decided to just use the pattern for the sole and see if I could freestyle the same shape, but without mistakes. Just to be honest: this pattern is not entirely mine, but it sure doesn't have any mistakes in them.
Ik hoop dat jullie het niet erg vinden, maar ik heb het patroon in het Engels opgeschreven. In de vertaling kunnen er nog weleens foutjes insluipen. Dus dat wilde ik voorkomen. Dit zijn de afkortingen:
SC = vaste
HDC = half stokje
HDC = half stokje
DC = stokje
2SC Together = 2 stokjes samen gehaakt
3SC Together = 3 stokjes samen gehaakt
2SC Together = 2 stokjes samen gehaakt
3SC Together = 3 stokjes samen gehaakt
Wel wil ik je aanraden om het patroon eerst even goed door te lezen, voordat je begint aan het haken. Blijf goed tellen het hele patroon door. Lees ook even goed door hoe het zit met de maten.
I recommend you first read the entire pattern before you start hooking and keep counting whilst your making the slippers. Especially read the part about sizing, it's important.

Crochet slippers, a tutorial
Sizing of the slippers
I have (obviously) written out this pattern for my size of feet: size 37-38. (UK 4-5) (US 6½-7½).
Follow the blue text for small shoe sizes: Euro 35-36, UK 2½-3½, US 5-6.
Follow the red text for larger shoe sizes: Euro 39-41, UK 6-7, US 8½-9½.
I have (obviously) written out this pattern for my size of feet: size 37-38. (UK 4-5) (US 6½-7½).
Follow the blue text for small shoe sizes: Euro 35-36, UK 2½-3½, US 5-6.
Follow the red text for larger shoe sizes: Euro 39-41, UK 6-7, US 8½-9½.
What do you need:
2 balls of StonewashedXL in one color, another ball of StonewashedXL in a contrast color for the edge.
2 balls of StonewashedXL in one color, another ball of StonewashedXL in a contrast color for the edge.
2 balls of Álafoss Lopi in one color, another ball of Álafoss Lopi in a contrast color for the edge. If you decide to work with Lopi I highly recommend getting some Eucalan to gently soak your slippers before you block and wear them.
Hook 6 mm.
Tapestry needle and scissors.
Tapestry needle and scissors.

To start:
Chain 25 (S:21 L:29)
Round 1:
2 SC in the 2nd stitch from the hook. SC in the next 11 (S: 9 L: 13) stitches, HDC in the next stitch, DC in the next 9 (S:7 L:11), 2 DC in the next stitch, 4 DC in the last stitch. The next stitches you'll crochet to the back of what you just did. 2 DC in the next stitch, 1 DC in the next 9 (S:7 L:11) stitches, 1 HDC in the next stitch, 1 in each of the next 11 (S:9 L:13) stitches, 2 SC in the last stitch.
2 SC in the 2nd stitch from the hook. SC in the next 11 (S: 9 L: 13) stitches, HDC in the next stitch, DC in the next 9 (S:7 L:11), 2 DC in the next stitch, 4 DC in the last stitch. The next stitches you'll crochet to the back of what you just did. 2 DC in the next stitch, 1 DC in the next 9 (S:7 L:11) stitches, 1 HDC in the next stitch, 1 in each of the next 11 (S:9 L:13) stitches, 2 SC in the last stitch.
If you look at what you've just made, you'll see the outline of a shoe sole.
TIP: put a stitch marker in the first chain of every round.
TIP: put a stitch marker in the first chain of every round.
Round 2:
Chain 1, SC in the first 2 stitches, 1 SC in the next 14 stitches (S:12, L:16), HDC in the next 10 stitches (S:8, L12), 2 HDC in the next stitch 3 DHC in the next stitch, 2 HDC in the next stitch, HDC in the next 10 stitches (S:8, L12), SC in the next 15 stitches (S:13, L:17), 2 SC in the last stitch, SC into the CH of the beginning of the round.
Round 3:
Chain 1, 1 SC, 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 12 (S:10, L:14) stitches, skip a stitch, 1 SC in the next 13 SC (S:11, L:15), 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 5 stitches, 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 13 stitches (S: 11, L:15), skip a stitch, 1 SC in the next 11 (S:9, L:13) stitches, 2 SC in the next stitch, sc into the first chain of the round.
Round 4-6:
Chain 1, SC in every stitch, SC into first chain.
Round 7:
Chain 1, 1 SC in every 24 stitches (S:20, L:28), crochet *2SC Together - 1 SC* 3 times, crochet *1SC - 2SC Together* 3 times, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25) stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 8:
Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 24 (S:20, L: 28) stitches, 6x 2SC Together, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 9:Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 24 (S:20, L: 28) stitches, 3x 2SC Together, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 10:
Chain 1, SC in every stitch, SC into first chain.
Round 11:
Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 26 (S:22, L:30) stitches, skip the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 21 stitches (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 12:
Chain 1, SC in the next 24 (S:20, L:28) stitches, 3SC Together, 1SC in the next 20 (S:16, L:24) stitches, SC in the first chain.
Round 13:
Chain 1, 2SC Together, SC in all the stitches of the last round, except the last 2, 2SC Together the last 2 stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 14:
Switch colour!! Chain 1, 2SC Together, SC in all the stitches of the last round, except the last 2, 2SC Together the last 2 stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 15:
Try on your slipper. If it's slipping of your foot/heel, repeat Round 14.
If the slipper is high enough, finish your slipper by crab stitching along the edge. The crab stitch is a reverse SC, it's quite bobbly but it's a nice finish to your slipper.
Repeat the above for the second slipper.
As a finish I recommend you wet block your work. I did this by putting the slippers on the blocking mat upside down and pinning what should be the outline of the sole. Then spray well with cold water and (if needed) shape the sole a little more flat. If you've made your slippers using Lopi, I recommend soaking them in Eucalan before pinning them to your blocking mat.
Chain 1, SC in the first 2 stitches, 1 SC in the next 14 stitches (S:12, L:16), HDC in the next 10 stitches (S:8, L12), 2 HDC in the next stitch 3 DHC in the next stitch, 2 HDC in the next stitch, HDC in the next 10 stitches (S:8, L12), SC in the next 15 stitches (S:13, L:17), 2 SC in the last stitch, SC into the CH of the beginning of the round.
Round 3:
Chain 1, 1 SC, 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 12 (S:10, L:14) stitches, skip a stitch, 1 SC in the next 13 SC (S:11, L:15), 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 5 stitches, 2 SC in the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 13 stitches (S: 11, L:15), skip a stitch, 1 SC in the next 11 (S:9, L:13) stitches, 2 SC in the next stitch, sc into the first chain of the round.
Round 4-6:
Chain 1, SC in every stitch, SC into first chain.
Round 7:
Chain 1, 1 SC in every 24 stitches (S:20, L:28), crochet *2SC Together - 1 SC* 3 times, crochet *1SC - 2SC Together* 3 times, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25) stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 8:
Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 24 (S:20, L: 28) stitches, 6x 2SC Together, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 9:Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 24 (S:20, L: 28) stitches, 3x 2SC Together, 1 SC in the next 21 (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 10:
Chain 1, SC in every stitch, SC into first chain.
Round 11:
Chain 1, 1 SC in the next 26 (S:22, L:30) stitches, skip the next stitch, 1 SC in the next 21 stitches (S:17, L:25), SC in the first chain.
Round 12:
Chain 1, SC in the next 24 (S:20, L:28) stitches, 3SC Together, 1SC in the next 20 (S:16, L:24) stitches, SC in the first chain.
Round 13:
Chain 1, 2SC Together, SC in all the stitches of the last round, except the last 2, 2SC Together the last 2 stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 14:
Switch colour!! Chain 1, 2SC Together, SC in all the stitches of the last round, except the last 2, 2SC Together the last 2 stitches, SC into the first chain.
Round 15:
Try on your slipper. If it's slipping of your foot/heel, repeat Round 14.
If the slipper is high enough, finish your slipper by crab stitching along the edge. The crab stitch is a reverse SC, it's quite bobbly but it's a nice finish to your slipper.
Repeat the above for the second slipper.
As a finish I recommend you wet block your work. I did this by putting the slippers on the blocking mat upside down and pinning what should be the outline of the sole. Then spray well with cold water and (if needed) shape the sole a little more flat. If you've made your slippers using Lopi, I recommend soaking them in Eucalan before pinning them to your blocking mat.
Alright, I hope this crochet tutorial will help keep your feet warm this winter!
If you make these slippers, will you let me know on Facebook? Yay!
This pattern is free to use, download or print strictly for personal use only.
For commercial use (including printing for shops in part or in full to sell or give for free, or making of kits using this pattern) I must be contacted in writing to arrange a copyright agreement.'
If you make these slippers, will you let me know on Facebook? Yay!
This pattern is free to use, download or print strictly for personal use only.
For commercial use (including printing for shops in part or in full to sell or give for free, or making of kits using this pattern) I must be contacted in writing to arrange a copyright agreement.'
Ze zijn echt hartstikke leuk! En bedankt voor het uitgebreide patroon, wat een service...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb gebreide sloffen (uit het laatste boek van Arne en Carlos), ook heerlijk warm. Zelfs 's winters loop ik graag op blote voeten, maar we hebben wel vloerverwarming hoor..
Heel leuk zijn je sloffen geworden! Dank je wel voor het delen van het patroon, geen probleem dat het in het Engels is hoor, daar kom ik wel uit. Ze komen op mijn To Do - lijst (wc rol lengte ;) )
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh zeg , die zijn heel leuk geworden !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGlijden ze niet teveel tijdens het dragen ?
Hier hebben de 2-jarigen elk een paar gekregen , maar ze glijden er constant mee uit op onze houten vloer . Ik las al ergens van Sock Stop , maar zijn er alternatieven ?
Bij De Banier adviseerden ze van zo´n soort 3D verf aan die je in vele kleuren hebt ... en volgens hen ook als anti-slip werd gebruikt , maar heb dat nog niet ( durven ) kopen en uitproberen .
Heb jij daar tips voor ?
Groetjes , Mieke
Ik glij er niet mee uit. Maar ik ben dan ook al heul lang geen 2 jaar meer (én een toonbeeld van elegantie, ha!) ;-)
VerwijderenOh wauw, dank je wel voor het delen van het patroon. Ik vind ze echt geweldig!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThey look lovely and cosy, may give this pattern a try. Thank you for sharing.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThey have been very beautiful! thanks for sharing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmy best wishes to you and your family and friends.
I wish you that in 2015 is all your dreams come true! be happy Esther!
a big hug and kisses from Catalonia!
Thanks...zodra mijn andere to do list af is en mijn wip's ga ik ze maken!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDankjewel voor het delen!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenheel erg mooi! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThese look great. I hate it too when my feet go into cramps.